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School Fundraiser

By Student Life

Our school, now more than ever, needs your support and every purchase makes a difference! Shop for: gift wrap, kitchen, home items, candy & more. For our students to participate and sell 10 items. Order Form Entry Online Only By April 26, 2021 For any questions, please contact Michelle Campbell at or (910)2237711 

Shop online and Share with Family and Friends: Email, Text & Post to Social Media

TO REGISTER: Visit: or Text: “Register” to 636202-1400 
School ID: 237711
Student ID: Enter the last 7 digits of your phone number (If you are registering more than one student, just change the last number  of your phone number to create a second Student ID) kindle fire 

Register above to be entered into a drawing  for a chance to win a Kindle Fire Tablet! Share with Family, Friends & CoWorkers

Alpha Academy McKinney-Vento Program

By Fayetteville Observer

NCHEP is dedicated to ensuring that all children and youth experiencing homelessness have access to the public education to which they are entitled under the federal McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act. NCHEP works towards this goal by ensuring that North Carolina’s state policies are in compliance with federal law, by providing technical assistance to North Carolina’s local homeless education liaisons, and by providing informational and awareness materials to educators and other interested community members throughout North Carolina.

The North Carolina Homeless Education Program (NCHEP) is the Education for Homeless Children and Youths Program for the state of North Carolina. In January 2009, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction contracted with The SERVE Center at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.


NCHEP is dedicated to ensuring that all children and youth experiencing homelessness have access to the public education to which they are entitled under the federal McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act. NCHEP works towards this goal by ensuring that North Carolina’s state policies are in compliance with federal law, by providing technical assistance to North Carolina’s local homeless education liaisons, and by providing informational and awareness materials to educators and other interested community members throughout North Carolina.


Initial questions should be directed to the  homeless liaison contact listed below:

Brandie Abraham | School Counselor/Dean of Students

Phone: (910)-223-7711 Ext 218


8th Grade Science Fair

By Katherine G. Johnson S.T.E.M Institute

Dear 8th Grade Parents/Guardians,


We hope this letter finds you and your family in good health as we continue to face the uncertainty in our community.
Below is important information concerning your student(s) 2021 Science Fair Project. Please read this letter in its entirety so that we can have safe transport for student materials and projects.
The purpose of our Science Fair this year is to foster Family Engagement. Families gain an opportunity to spend time together on a Science Fair Project that will promote a positive academic environment. Please approach this as time to spend on your student’s academic progression, deeper understanding, and application of what has been taught this year.
This pandemic situation has challenged us to look at various means to deliver meaningful academic instruction to our students and keep them engaged throughout the school year. This will be evident as we ask students and parents/guardians to work together on a cumulative and creative Science Fair Project. Students will have the choice of 2 options:
1. Create a Tri – Fold Presentation Board that highlights a topic they learned this year. Students will take a topic they are interested in or learned the most about to create an informational board to explain to younger students what they will be learning about in 8th grade.
2. Create a Prototype of a device that will help the Environment. Students will record a 2 minute video displaying the device, discussing its components, explaining how this will help the environment, and what science based research they have conducted that has led them to the conclusion that this will be helpful.
***Rubrics for these projects are attached. Please review these as the guide for your project completion***
The Science Fair Tri Fold/ Presentation Video must be completed by Friday, April 2nd.
Please mark your calendar identifying these vital dates during the remainder of this semester:
February 26th – Choose either Option 1 or 2
March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd – Students take their Tri – Fold Board home after testing (Option 1).
March 12th – Content developed and rough drafts created at home
Option 1: Rough drafts completed: Ex: state standard, title, topic, Why is this important, Why is this interesting? What would we need to know before learning about this topic? What is the most important item to know about this topic?
Option 2: Prototype #1 should be completed with a summary of how it helps the Earth
March 19th – Plan arrangement of information on board or in video
Option 1: Sketch arrangement of information on scrap sheet of paper. Will that information fit? Did I include all of the components listed above?
Option 2: Practice Videotaping. If this goes well keep the video. If not, erase and then film again with adjustments made.
March 26th – Create Tri-Fold OR Create the video. Look over your work!
Option 1: Create board by arranging, placing, decorating, coloring, and writing on Tri-Fold Board
Option 2: Record the entire video. Look at recording to ensure it satisfies requirements.
March 29th – Boards need to be dropped off this week at the Front office. Drop the boards off after 10 am but before 2 pm. Include student’s name and homeroom teacher on back of board
April 2nd – Boards Due by 2 pm. Videos submitted using Flip Grid by 2pm. Label with Name and Homeroom Teacher so that we can track these easily.
This assignment will be taken for a Grade
Thank you for continued support.
Chris Stinson
STEM Director

Perennial Math Competition

By Student Life
Perennial Math Competition
This past Saturday a group of 5th graders competed in the Perennial Math Competition for North Carolina in both the group and individual categories.
Alpha Academy placed 2nd as a group and Leiriel Simeon placed 2nd in the individual event.
This group of students qualify to compete in the National Math Competition in May.
The following are the students who participated in this event :
Justin Mainor (Mr. Mitchell’s Class)
Daniel McDonald (Ms. Miller’s Class)
Leiriel Simeon (Mrs. Smith’s Class)
Jayden Green (Ms. Gidrey’s Class)
Moya Morgan (Ms. Gidrey’s Class)
Kamiylah Striggles (Ms. Gidrey’s Class)

S.S. Katherine Johnson Cygnus Spacecraft

By Katherine G. Johnson S.T.E.M Institute
All resources, participation, and registration are FREE.
Register to let NASA know that you’re virtually participating!

About this Event

Registration will provide communications about launch schedule changes, information about highlighted launch-related activities, and access to curated launch resources.

Northrop Grumman’s 15th commercial resupply services mission is scheduled to deliver cargo to the International Space Station in the S.S. Katherine Johnson Cygnus spacecraft. Launch is from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport’s Pad-0A at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island.

While there is no physical ticket for online participation nor access to in-person launch activities, register to participate from your spot in the universe!

Register Now

The use of the NASA logo or identifiers without permission of the Office of Communications is prohibited by federal statute and regulations, the violation of which may include fines, imprisonment, or both.

Catherine Truitt : North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction Since 2021

By North Carolina Department Of Education

Catherine Truitt has devoted her adult life to education with a heavy focus on ensuring that all students have the opportunity to receive a quality education and that students graduate high school, college or career-ready with the skills they need to succeed in today’s world.

Truitt’s service in education began as a high school English teacher, and she spent ten years in the classroom teaching at both the high school and middle school levels. Twice she was nominated for the prestigious “Teacher of the Year” award. Her last three years as a teacher were spent at West Johnston High School, where she taught English to 11th and 12th grade students.  During her time there she created a new Media Literacy elective, a 21st Century Skills course.

Catherine Truitt at NC State CapitolGovernor Pat McCrory appointed Truitt to serve as his Senior Advisor on Education in 2015. In this capacity, she was tasked with developing strategic state education policy goals for ages 0-20.  Governor McCrory awarded Truitt the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, the highest honor that may be awarded by a governor of North Carolina, in recognition of her efforts to improve public education for all North Carolina students

Prior to her appointment by Governor McCrory, Truitt worked with the International Center for Leadership in Education, where she worked with underperforming school districts as a school turnaround coach. In this role she collaborated with principals and department chairs to craft plans to close the achievement gap for all students and worked to develop whole-district transformation initiatives. Truitt also served as a mentor for teachers in Kindergarten through 12th Grade, helping them develop strategies to keep students engaged and learning.

Truitt presently serves as Chancellor of non-profit Western Governors University North Carolina (WGU NC). As Chancellor, she focuses on increasing access to higher education for the 1.5 million North Carolinians with some college but no degree. Truitt and WGU NC collaborate with community colleges, hospitals, school districts, local workforce boards and IT centers to ensure that state workforce demands and employer education needs are being met.

Truitt is a 1994 graduate of the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts in English. She received her Master’s in Education from the University of Washington in 1997. Truitt serves on the board of directors of TLC, which was founded as the Tammy Lynn Center, and the North Carolina board of directors for the Nurse-Family Partnership.

Catherine and her husband, Jeff, reside in Cary.  Jeff, a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, is a Captain in the United States Navy and has served on active duty for 14 years and in the reserves since 2008. Catherine and Jeff are the proud parents of Susie, Chorley, and Charles, all of whom attend Wake County Public Schools. The Truitts are active members of Crosspointe Church.

Enhancing STEM education with hands on learning opportunities

By Katherine G. Johnson S.T.E.M InstituteNo Comments

Thank you to GO Grant for helping us build our new Greenhouse.  Students of all ages will be able to use this on-site greenhouse to enhance STEM by taking a short walk and enjoy hands-on experiences.  From the life cycle and parts of a plant to biology, students from all groups can engage with our new greenhouse. Students in elementary school can see firsthand how weather affects growing conditions. Tending to plants teaches them responsibility, and they start to experience at an early age the reward of seeing their hard work blossom.

Middle schoolers may start branching out from the gardening and growing basics, conducting experiments related to temperature controls, fertilizers or even taking note of which plants may thrive in certain conditions or in their local climate.  Students get an up-close look at ecosystems and their components.  In high school, students may develop an interest in horticultural programs and continue to build on these lessons, possibly even developing entrepreneurial skills.

Our 2nd Annual STEM Writing Contest

By Katherine G. Johnson S.T.E.M InstituteNo Comments

Contest Dates: Jan. 19, 2021-March 2, 2021

Note: Register for our live webinar on Jan. 14 on teaching informational writing with a STEM theme.

Why do hummingbirds nap? How do coronavirus vaccines work? Can two robotic spacecraft land on the moon at once? How do plant roots compete for water? Do foods like kiwis and cherries affect our sleep patterns?

If you click on any of these articles, you’ll see that they are written for a general reader. Special technical or scientific knowledge is not required, and each is designed to get our attention and keep it — by giving us “news we can use” in our own lives, or by exploring something fascinating in a way that makes it easy to understand and shows us why it matters.

That’s what Times journalists do every day across our ScienceHealth and Technology sections.

For this contest, The Learning Network invites you to bring that same spirit of inquiry and discovery to finding a STEM-related question, concept or issue you’re interested in, and, in 500 words or fewer, explaining it to a general audience in a way that not only helps us understand, but also engages us and makes us see why it’s important.

So what questions do you have about how the world works? What science, technology, engineering, math or health questions might be inspired by your own life or experiences? What innovations, processes or problems in any of these areas puzzle or intrigue you? What concepts in STEM — whether from biology, physics, psychology, computer science, algebra or calculus — have you learned about, in or out of school, that might be useful or fun to explain to others?

Click Here To View Full Article:

How to keep kids active during the COVID-19 Pandemic

By AthleticsOne Comment

We’re all spending more time at home these days due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For many parents, that means kids are spending more time with screens than ever.

But kids ages 6 and older should still be getting an hour of physical activity each day. Not only can this help kids to burn energy; it can also help them establish healthy habits that can reduce their risk of cancer and other diseases later in life.

So, how can you ensure your kids get enough exercise when you’re spending so much time at home – and on screens? Is it safe for kids to play sports? Is it safe to go to the playground or park?

Get answers to these questions and help keep your kids active during the coronavirus pandemic with this guidance from Nicole Rosburg, manager of our Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Life Program.

It’s OK to break up kids’ physical activity

An hour of physical activity a day may seem daunting – especially if you’re working from home while trying to entertain your kids or help them with their schoolwork. But kids don’t have to get in all the activity at once to reap the benefits. “Break it up into increments,” Rosburg says. “That way, kids won’t get bored before they’ve hit their activity goal.”

For kids doing virtual school, try scheduling time in their day for exercise. “Just like recess or P.E. at traditional school,” Rosburg says.

Even though there are plenty of virtual options for physical activity, Rosburg suggests relying less on screen time to help your kids get exercise.

“Research shows that kids who spend a lot of time on devices have increased irritability and mood issues,” Rosburg says. This can also lead to sleep issues, which can lead to further irritability.

If you do choose virtual options to get your kids moving, like yoga videos or interactive movement games, Rosburg recommends choosing options hosted by trusted sources – and watching the videos with your children to make sure they’re age-appropriate.

When you can, try to break up screen-time activity with outdoor activity. “Outdoor exercise can be a natural mood booster,” Rosburg says.

“The good news is that physical activity doesn’t have to be running or something exerting a lot of energy,” she adds. The important thing is to get up and get moving.

Get active as a family at home during the COVID-19 pandemic

Having trouble motivating your kids to get active? Rosburg suggests doing something as a family. “Setting aside a dedicated time to take a walk or a bike ride together can be very special for you and your kids,” she says.

Low-impact activities like walking or doing chores around the house can be just as beneficial to your child’s health. Rosburg also recommends interactive activities like building an obstacle course, hopscotch, jumping rope or playing tag.

“There are plenty of active things you can do around your home,” says Rosburg.

If your child has cancer, Rosburg suggests they get as much physical activity as they can handle. “Don’t overdo it, but try to do something active each day,” she says.

How can kids play sports safely during the COVID-19 pandemic?

If you’re looking to get your kids out of the house during the pandemic, sports may be an option. Your child’s risk of COVID-19 goes up if they participate in group activities or team sports, but that doesn’t mean all sports need to be off-limits. Some activities are lower-risk. “Individual outdoor sports like tennis or golf can be safe options,” Rosburg says. Indoor activities tend to be more risky, since social distancing can be challenging.

If individual sports don’t interest your child, says Rosburg, “Try to find a team sport, like soccer, where there is the opportunity to be a little more socially distant.”

Rosburg also recommends getting to know the coaches, teammates and other parents, so you can be sure they share the same commitment to COVID-19 safety precautions. It’s also a good idea to find out in advance which precautions will be in place to keep your kids safe, and to make sure you’re comfortable with those. Consider if practices will be inside or outside. Will athletes be wearing masks? What about spectators? How will social distancing be maintained? Rosburg says these are important questions to consider before making a decision for your family.

You’ll also want to consider if spectators are allowed, and what COVID-19 safety protocols are in place for those watching the games. Even if the rules aren’t clear, you and your family can do your best to wear a mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands frequently.

Is it safe to play at parks and playgrounds during the coronavirus pandemic?

Some playgrounds and parks are now open, but that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down.

“I would love to say take your bleach wipes out and wipe everything down before your child touches anything, but that’s highly unrealistic,” says Rosburg.

Instead, she recommends choosing to visit parks or playgrounds when they’re less crowded, practicing social distancing from other families and having your kids do the same, and wearing a mask if it’s crowded. You may be able to find information about protocols in place at your local park online, or through signage at the park.

Rosburg also suggests reminding your kids often why it’s important to keep their distance from others and to avoid touching their face – and yours. And, if nothing else, says Rosburg. “Make sure you and your kids wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or hand sanitizer if you’re out and about.”

Read Full Article:

Secretary of Education Betsy Devos pushes school choice at Fayetteville roundtable

By Fayetteville Observer

Michael Futch

The Fayetteville Observer

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos came to Fayetteville on Tuesday and heard from leaders from Black-led schools about how they have worked to expand education options for students and their parents.

Devos led a roundtable discussion at Alpha Academy off Raeford Road.

Joining DeVos was a panel of 14 people, including administrators from Alpha and other charter schools across the state, a pastor, two North Carolina state representatives, parents and a grandmother who is a retired educator with 30 years in the public schools system. She now has three grandchildren who have attended the host academy.

Eugene Slocum, superintendent of Alpha Academy, said the idea behind his public charter school was simple — “teaching. Teaching the child.”

DeVos is known for her support of school choice, school voucher programs and charter schools.

She also has supported President Donald Trump’s push to fully reopen schools, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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“The success of Black students and of all students has been a high priority of this administration — for President Trump and for me.”

That, DeVos added, is why the administration supports the School Choice Now Act, legislation designed to ensure that kindergarten through 12th-grade students can return to the private school they attended before the pandemic and to create opportunity for more families to choose an option that will work best for their child.

“Parental school choice is what Americans need right now and what they want,” she said. “Join me and the president in fighting for that freedom.”

Staff writer Michael Futch can be reached at or 910-486-3529.