Dear Alpha Academy Parents:
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We want to thank all of you in advance for your support to Alpha Academy and allowing us to serve your child’s educational needs. At Alpha Academy, our top priority is committed to ensuring that we improve teaching and learning for all students. Additionally, we are committed to ensuring that we are intentionally embracing parental involvement and our community volunteers, which are vital parts of our school culture.
Educating students is a big job, and to do it well, we need your help. Please be sure your child comes to school each day rested and ready to learn. Daily attendance and arriving on time are also important – we don’t want our students to miss any instructional time, so please make sure your child is here on time every day. Regular attendance sets up a good pattern for your child’s entire school career. Please cultivate the importance that school comes first by trying to keep days off for illnesses and family emergencies. If possible, please schedule routine doctor and dentist appointments for after school or over school breaks.
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