- March 08, 2021
What is my Ideal Community
Jaydah Jackson 8A 02/08/2021
What i s my Ideal Community? Great question yet simple answer. My i deal
community i s a community that i s equal. Where everybody there i s treated equally no
matter the gender, race, sexuality, or what they believe i n, they’re all treated equally. In
my community, I don’t want them to be treated differently from others, and I don’t want
them to worry about i f they can’t get a j ob because of their race, gender. Etc. I want
everybody to feel comfortable and cared for, no matter what. In my opinion, I believe
that everyone deserves equal rights, no matter where you’re from or who you are.
A community should be a place where people accept each other, right? That’s
what I think a community should be. In my i deal community, there would be no racism,
no hatred towards people with different religions, sexualities, or gender. I would also
increase the pay given to certain j obs such as doctors, nurses, scientists, soldiers, etc.
They make a big i mpact upon the world and I personally believe that they deserve to get
paid more than they are today. I would also make the pay of men and women to be
equal because I believe that they should both have equal pay.
People in my community would be able to speak their minds and stand for what
they believe in. Justice will be served, no matter who you are, and i t will be the same for
everyone, regardless of your race, nationality, or gender. Individuals will have there right
to do what they want to their bodies pertaining to abortions. If a child were to have an
abusive family member, they will not be allowed i n the hands of their abuser. This also
applies to people who are i n abusive relationships and the abuser will serve j ail time.
Death penalties will not be given to those who are a ctually i nnocent and who have been
proved to be i nnocent. Anyone who has l ied about abuse, rape, etc., bringing
someone’s reputation and/or career to the ground will be arrested. These types of
things are not something to be l ied about because being accused of this can ruin
someone’s l ife.
Overall, I want the people of my ideal community to have a better life and feel
safer. Though I cannot guarantee their safety, I want them to know that j ustice will be
served. I also want them to know that my community would be accepting and that they
will be cared for, that’s the i deal community I hope for, what my i deal community would
be. A community where people feel cared for and comfortable with themselves.
- Literature